Julia Shepley

Tethering Home

Tethering Home installation (#5-#9), 2014, sailcloth, thread, fiberglass rod, fastenings

Tethering Home #5, 2014, sailcloth, thread, fiberglass rod and glass, 32" x 40" x 32"

Tethering home #8 (video), 2014, interfacing fiber sheets, transparency sheets, stitching ink, boning, 3' circumference

Tethering Home #8, #10, #11, 2014, interfacing fiber sheets, transparency sheets, stitching ink, boning

Tethering Home #1, 2013, sailcloth, thread, fiberglass rod and glass, 28" h x 18" w x 18" d

Tethering Home #2, 2014, sailcloth, thread, fiberglass rod and glass, 30" h x 28" w x 24" d